Monday, June 24, 2024

Monday Morning Chartology





The Market




And the beat goes on. The S&P had another good week, remaining above all DMA’s and in uptrends across all time frames. Adding to the good news is that there is little visible resistance save the upper boundaries of its intermediate term uptrend (~6800) and long term uptrend (~7100). The bad news is (1) on the fundamental side, the economic data continued to read recession while the FOMC message remains higher for longer and (2) technically, [a] that gap up open from the prior Wednesday still needs to be filled and [b] the shorts are disappearing {see below}. All in all, I am more cautious.


How low can volatility go?


Time to care about bitcoin weakness and evaporated shorts.


More on shrinking short positions.


Shrinking money market funds.


Hedge fund selling, retail buying.


Bad breadth keeps getting worse.

Bad Breadth Keeps Getting Worse - RIA (


The case for caution.






The long bond followed through on last week’s reversal, remaining above all three DMAs. On the other hand, it is still above that huge gap up open and within downtrends across all other timeframes. This pin action supports (or is supported by) the growing evidence of an economic slowdown---though as I note below, I am, at least currently, uncertain whether that means slowing to a ‘muddle through’ growth rate or to a recession. That said, there is a rising chorus of recession calls and, hence an increasing likelihood that my original recession call will have been the correct one.






GLD had a volatile week, failing to make a higher high and unsuccessfully challenging its 50 DMA. The question now is will it make a lower low which if it does will likely take it below the next visible support level (the horizontal red line). That would set up the possibility of completing a head and shoulders pattern---which is not a positive. I retain my GDX position but as I noted last week, will sell it if that red line is breached.





The dollar followed through last week’s major reversal intraweek, resetting its 50 and 200 DMA to support and maintaining a very short term uptrend. For the moment, that strength appears to derive from an increasingly tumultuous international political/economic environment (see article below)---which is not a plus for the stock market.


Behind the dollar’s strength.












            Friday in the charts.







              The Economy


                        Week in review


Last week’s stats were pretty dismal. While the overall data was balanced, the negative primary indicators outnumbered the positives four to one (overseas stats were equally disappointing). That is the second overwhelmingly downbeat week in a row. While not quite enough data to warrant altering my forecast, another couple of weeks of this kind discouraging numbers will. In short, (1) my original recession call may turn out to be correct and (2) while I continue to believe that profligate fiscal policy and an accommodative Fed will ultimately lead to higher inflation, a recession could work against that scenario in the near term. And I would add that if (1) recession is the ultimate scenario and (2) the Fed maintains its tight money policy, then conditions could develop even worse.


At least one analyst still agrees with me.


Bottom line:


The incoming data has put my expectations for economic growth and inflation in disarray. I still need more information before making any major changes to my forecast. So for the moment, it remains (1) the economy muddles through and (2) inflation has likely seen its lows. But clearly my confidence in that outcome is weakened.







The June German business climate index was 88.6 versus forecasts of 89.7; the June current conditions index was 88.3 versus 88.5.


The June UK industrial trends orders index was -18 versus projections of -25.




            Monetary Policy


              Will the Bank of England’s delay in rate cuts have an influence on Fed policy?



This analyst wants the Fed to ease sooner. He then advocates reforming the criteria on which the Fed sets policy---which in my opinion is just the opposite of what needs to occur. The Fed has repeatedly proven that it can’t get policy right when it uses two benchmarks. How much more confusing will policy be if it were to try to satisfy four or five measures?


            Fiscal Policy


              We are approaching the debt super cycle endgame.



    Bottom line


            More on valuations (must read)

            A Fundamental Shift Higher In Valuations - RIA (


            Don’t wait for the Fed.



    News on Stocks in Our Portfolios


AbbVie (NYSE:ABBV) declared $1.55/share quarterly dividend, in line with previous.



What I am reading today


            Why have we allowed China to purchase land near our military bases?



            Should you rent or buy a tux?



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