Monday, May 24, 2021

Monday Morning Chartology


The Morning Call




The Market




The S&P had a see saw week, (1) trading down early and finishing below the lower boundary of its short term uptrend on a gap down open, (2) it then rallied hard on Thursday, filling that gap down open and settling right on that lower boundary, and (3) ending the week on a soft note, back below the lower boundary of its short term uptrend.  My trading discipline holds that a close below that boundary today will reset the trend to a trading range.  However, the challenge in the prior week was marginal, the subsequent rally was marginal and the retreat on Friday was marginal---which all says that this latest break is anything but a strong signal.  Although if we see a big down day today or tomorrow, I will feel a lot better about a trend reset.  As you know, my Market assumption that: ‘I can’t see an end to this uptrend as long as the money keeps flowing with abundance and in the absence of any major negative exogenous event.’  However, the ‘thinking about thinking about tapering’ narrative in the latest Fed minutes released last week may now have investors starting to realize that this may be the beginning of the end.  Stay tuned.




The long bond appears to be developing a very short term trading range---it could not make a new high two Monday’s ago and has been unable to trade down through that 133 level.  This suggests that the bond investors are adopting a ‘wait and see’ approach until there is more clarity to ‘transitory’ and ‘thinking about thinking about tapering’ issues.


The golden age for bonds is over.





GLD investors are exhibiting a bit more certainty about ‘transitory’ inflation, to wit, they do not believe it.  Last week, gold blew through its 200 DMA, resetting it to support.  The green line is the upper boundary of its very short term uptrend.  I would expect some resistance at that level.  But if it manages to push through it, the next stop is GLD’s 20 year high.



Like GLD, the dollar seems tilted toward the ‘non transitory’ camp.  That said, it is bumping up against support that goes back to January.  Let’s see how it handles the 24 level this time.


For the pessimists.



As a final note, I believe that the pin action in the long bond is a better predictor of future economic activity than either gold or the dollar.  Meaning in this case, I will go with the uncertainty in the TLT chart versus the clearer indication of ‘non transitory’ inflation in GLD and UUP charts


Friday in the charts.






              The Economy


                        Review of Last Week 


US statistical releases were pretty evenly matched, though the primary indictors were two to one on the negative side.  That is three weeks in a row of subpar performance.


While a couple of weeks of datapoints doesn’t make a trend, those numbers suggest that consumers have already satisfied all that pent up demand from the lockdown and blown through the free money from the government.  If so, then this economy is a lot weaker than even I thought. On the other hand, inflationary pressures may just be ‘transitory’ as the Fed has forecast.


But again, while three weeks of numbers don’t make a trend, they are getting close.


Overseas, the data flow was also balanced.  However, unlike the US, that follows three upbeat weeks. So, the rest of the world is starting to catch up to the US. 


Bottom line. ‘As you know my opinion is that following an initial snapback (which may already be over), the US economy will likely return to its former subpar secular growth rate, stymied by irresponsible mix of fiscal/monetary policies.’---which are only getting more irresponsible.



 The April Chicago Fed national activity index came in at .24 versus the  March reading of 1.71.







               The Fed


                 The Fed prepares to go direct with liquidity (must read).



              Biden’s Plan


               Biden proposes reducing infrastructure spending to $1.7 trillion.





               Expecting inflation (must read).






             The coronavirus


              Take off the political masks.





         News on Stocks in Our Portfolios


What I am reading today


            For those who want to get depressed.



                 Quote of the day.




                Inside the military’s secret undercover army.



                Bitcoin under attack.





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