The Best Climate in the World’s Top Retirement Havens
In Italy ,
head south to the coastal areas of Liguria
and most of the peninsula south of Florence
for the best year-round climate.
In places where the weather is warm year-round, not only do you eliminate the need for heavy winter clothes, but you gain in quality of life. Better weather means you’re outside more. And that often translates to “healthier.” Plus it usually means lower utility bills, too.
Best climate in the world:
Scoring a country on its climate is difficult, because everyone has their own ideas on what sort weather they enjoy most. But it was
The weather in Italy is quite different from the stereotypical Mediterranean climate with many of its inland northern regions enjoying weather more on par with what is found with southern France and other continental countries further north. This tends to translate into hot summers and often quite dramatic, picturesque snow-swept winters.
But head south to the coastal areas of Liguria and most of the peninsula south of Florence and you get the more typical Mediterranean weather—mild winters and warm, dry summers.
Altitude also plays a part.
The second best climate in the world:
France, coming in second, also enjoys a varied climate. Northern regions are temperate while north-eastern areas have a more continental climate with warm summers and colder winters. In these parts, some snow tends to fall in winter, but it is normally quite light when you set it against what is found in many parts of the
Things get more varied still when you head towards the fringes—mountainous regions have an alpine climate while the south of France, famous for its stunning weather, is Mediterranean—meaning mild weather year-round and long, warm summers.
In third place:
Mexico’s climate comes in two parts—the Tropic of Cancer splits the country in two so one part is temperate and the other, tropical. This means land to the north experiences cooler temperatures during the winter months while more southerly regions see temperatures remain fairly constant year round. The variations that do exist are almost exclusively down to elevation. Because of the country’s topography,
Head south to the coastal plains and the
Great weather down under in
New Zealand sees average annual temperatures ranging from 50 °F in the south to 61 °F in the north. However, that is by no means the full story. Weather varies dramatically across the country’s regions. The west coast of the
In general though, the southern and south-western parts of the
You’ll enjoy a mild climate in
Overall, Uruguay enjoys a mild climate and due to the fact that the whole country is located within a temperate zone, weather remains quite uniform from one region to another. The average temperature for the mid-winter month of July varies from 54 °F to 48 °F while the midsummer month of January varies from 79 °F to 72 °F.
There is a big swing difference in temperatures and sunshine between winter and summer but things never get too extreme in either direction—so things are never too hot or too cold. Because
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