Where to Find Offshore Bankers Friendly to Americans
By Bob Bauman
Moving money offshore
has a host of advantages.
In the
But the list of friendly offshore bankers, even for Americans, is longer than you might think. And accounts in selected offshore financial centers offer everyone what
For Americans, a foreign account also provides a choice of stronger non-dollar currencies, plus a means for direct trading and investing in more profitable foreign equities, precious metals and tax-deferred insurance and annuities.
First, you want your offshore account located in a place that has political and economic stability; one that welcomes foreign investors and where the rule of law is respected. The Swiss banker won’t roll out as warm a welcome to Americans as he once did—but Switzerland is still on a short list of places that every American should consider investigating for banking advantages.
That is so because, even with all the post-
Other banking countries that make my shortlist and should be on yours are:
Each of these country’s banks has a different level of protection and different requirements for clients. While in general banks in each country are wary of
But be ready to comply with now-universal “know your customer” rules requiring proof of citizenship and current residence, as well as signing
An offshore account is your personal shield.”
You can use this basic checklist to narrow it down: a) Use Google News and in-country publications to find mentions about a specific bank, good or bad. Check the website for the country’s official bank supervisory agency for facts and history on each bank;
b) Avoid “banks” with only an Internet presence. Absence of bank officials’ names, no physical address, missing phone numbers are all indications of fraud;
c) Be very wary of any bank that offers unreasonably high interest rates or unrealistic returns. A deal that appears too good to be true is just that;
d) Confirm that the bank meets or exceeds the minimum standards set by the international Basel Accords, the rules that limit a bank’s risk and require minimum capital, shareholder equity, disclosed reserves, and limit-holdings debt and equity instruments.
You might even ask for the names of existing bank clients as references, although these may be difficult to obtain. And make sure the bank answers these questions: For foreign investors, what types of accounts are available and are there any restrictions, especially on Americans?
What taxes, if any, will be withheld from investment income? Are any investments considered part of the bank’s balance sheet and available to bank’s creditors in the event of bank insolvency?
What are the fees for securities transactions and for custody; are there other fees? Are accounts insured by law or otherwise against any loss or if the bank fails and for how much? How do I transact business and with whom; are telephone, fax, and/or e-mail orders accepted?
Is Internet banking available, secure and in English? Does the bank send
The 1934 Swiss Bank Secrecy Law, still in effect, was a direct response to the rise of Hitler and the threat of war. Seventy-eight years later, savvy Argentines are escaping that country’s ruinous policies by banking in neighboring
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